Out-of-home advertising on billboards, on signs, at transit hubs, etc. allows marketers to reach customers as they go about their lives in public. Digital out-of-home (DOOH) offers the same opportunity to reach those out-and-about audiences, but on digital screens rather than printed ones.

Advantages of Digital Out-of-Home Advertising

Captive audiences

Digital out-of-home screens are typically positioned in places where consumers are likely to see their ads repeatedly or over a sustained period: in waiting areas at doctors’ offices or motor vehicle departments, at bus kiosks or train stations, or in elevators, for example.

Hard to miss

Digital out-of-home ads can’t be closed by the user, skipped, or blocked with an ad blocker like digital ads on personal screens. In addition, most DOOH messages are repeated frequently, so even a casual passerby or distracted viewer stands a good chance of seeing your message.


Because digital out-of-home screens show a rotation of ads by many marketers, all of those advertisers share the costs of the media, and that keeps rates low. Plus, the expense of producing an ad for DOOH is typically the same as the cost of creating an online ad and a fraction of the cost of printing and installing a traditional out-of-home ad.

Lots of impressions

Digital out-of-home advertising tends to be delivered across a variety of screens in places frequented by a large, diverse audience. That’s great for building familiarity with your brand or marketing message.

Drawbacks to Digital Out-of-Home Advertising

Hard to measure

Reaching consumers when they are walking down the street, sitting on a bus, or pumping gas means they are not likely to immediately engage with your brand by clicking or calling. That makes measuring the effectiveness of this type of advertising difficult.

Broad audience

The locations of the screens utilized in a digital out-of-home campaign can help to narrow the type of audiences your ad will reach. But a DOOH campaign is unlikely to reach one specific type of consumer as effectively as most online advertising or even certain types of magazines can.

Limited message time

Digital screens are in places where a consumer will see your message for a short amount of time—like on a mall kiosk display, for example. If yours is a longer, more complicated message that requires the viewer’s undivided attention, digital-out-of-home is probably not the best option.

Digital Out-of-Home Advertising Is Good For:

Building brand awareness and familiarity

Reaching customers repeatedly in several places

Sharing a concise message

Digital Out-of-Home Advertising on Addy

Addy offers digital out-of-home campaigns that are published across preset packages of digital screens. These packages have been selected based on their proven ability to reach distinct types of audiences, like busy professionals, home hunters, or savvy parents, for example.

Why Use Addy for Digital Out-of-Home Advertising?

Ease of use

Putting your message on the right mix of digital screens requires extensive research and establishing relationships with multiple media companies. Addy has done all that work for you. Simply select the type of consumers you want to reach, the area where you’d like to reach them, and how long you’d like your campaign to run. Addy handles the rest.

Proof of performance

Addy provides a simple-to-understand campaign summary that shows where and how often your ad appeared, and how many impressions that resulted in.


Your Addy Advisor is always standing by to help you figure out how to make the most of your digital out-of-home campaign.

Ad design help

Don’t have a digital ad ready to go? No worries. Addy can help you get your ad designed quickly and affordably. Here’s how it works.